English Hindi Tamboo Mein Bamboo
In Port of Spain tamboo bamboo bands were associated with particular neighborhoods such as Charlotte Street, George Street, John John, Laventille Hill, Newtown, and St.The Steelband Movement: The Forging of a National Art in... - Page 25 (Stephen Stuempfle)
english hindi Tamboo Mein Bamboo
From the mid-1880s through the 1890s, tamboo bamboo bands formed in different neighborhoods, much as the kalinda gangs had formed years earlier.Steel Drums and Steelbands: A History - Page 31 (Angela Smith)
These new instruments, which became known as ' tamboo bamboo ' (from the French ' tambour ' for drum), caught the imagination of the street masqueraders and reigned for at least 50 years after the drum ban was enforced.Bacchanal!: The Carnival Culture of Trinidad - Page 57 (Peter Mason)
An ingenious substitute for the drums and sticks, called tamboo bamboo, was introduced in the 1890s. Tamboo bamboo bands consist of three different instruments (each cut from bamboo): boom, foulé, and cutter.Excursions in World Music, Seventh Edition - Page 391 (Bruno Nettl) 350c69d7ab
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